Friday, July 15, 2011

Why I'm Mystic and the Mystery of being Mistic or What is it means by MYSTIC .:.Why I'm Mystic and the Mystery of being Mistic or What is it means by

I write many blog about why i use Stranger and now i'm going to tell you why i use Mystic for express Myself.

What its mean by the word mystic?

A mystic is one who, above all else in life, desires to know (not in the intellectual sense of knowing) the deepest Truth of existence.

A mystic is one who senses more to life than making a living or
being of service in
the world,
although these
things are both
necessary and

The mystic, however, is looking beyond an exclusive focus on these survival or self-actualization desires to something more : he is looking to discover the deepest truth of our being as incarnate souls; to understand our greatest potential as reflections of
Creator; to realize our wholeness within the Ground of All.

The primary interest in life for the mystic is to discover truth, to know God, to see into mans whole nature …The mystic sees all of life as an abundant opportunity to discover, realize, and express the Divine.

Mysticism springs
from an insatiable
curiosity for
understanding the
essential questions of Life : matters of Creation, the
Infinite... and the human potential for knowing Truth.

The mystic is in reality the ultimate scientist who, looking beyond the apparent or obvious in all matters, asks : “Is this that I am seeing reality or the illusions that stem from fear?”
“What existed
before this sense
of reality?”
"What existed before my mental constructs, my beliefs, my self identity?"
"Who is this that observes and is self-reflecting?"
“What is at life's very source?”...

Sabbir .:.